2011年12月16日 星期五

CD or no CD?

Most textbooks often include an audio CD. An audio CD is like a two blades knife. Sometimes it creates great effect but other times it might not be so effective.
Here are the advantages and disadvantages of the recorded audio:

--- An audio CD allows students have the opportunity to listen to few different voices and accents instead of only one person.
---Audio CD is portable and ready to use. You don’t have to read through or be trained for the text. It is already there, all you have to do is to hit PLAY!

--- The volume and the quality of the recording could be tricky. There were a few times that the recording was simply not loud enough for everyone to hear it clearly or the quality was so bad and distorted. Nowadays everyone uses CD for recording, sometime there are might scratches on the CD and it just won’t play. These technical problems could go on for a full list.
---- Another interesting thing I observed throughout the years is that like all students have to ability to listen and comprehend at the same speed. Some students of mine, they understand the materials completely but it takes them a longer period of time or slower speed to react to it. Therefore using pre-recorded materials might restrict the possibility for your students to learn at their own speed.

2011年12月13日 星期二

Extensive Listening

As a teacher, sometime I found myself in the situation that my students struggled with listening. No matter how hard I try, they never seem to improve at all. Later, I learned that through extensive listening and intensive listening, students can improve their listening skills. So what is extensive listening?

Extensive listening is “where a teacher encourages students to choose for themselves what they listen to and to do so for pleasure and general language improvement.(303)” according to The Practice of English Language Teaching.

Extensive listening could be done during class time. However, it might take up too much time. As a result, extensive listening is best executed at home or outside of classroom. For example, I often assigned my adult students to listen to English radio one hour a day. They might not be able to understand it at first. But after a few months of listening to it on a regular basis, they start to pick up. They learn new vocabularies from it!
Another good example of extensive listening is Christmas caroling. Instead of simply teaching your students the lyrics, you can make a CD with all the songs you want them to learn and ask them to listen to it everyday. My young students learned how to sing the song before I begin to teach them!
However, there is still downfall for extensive listening. Extensive listening is only effective when your students have strong will enforce it. And the materials got to be exciting enough for them to follow through. 

2011年12月5日 星期一

More Christmas Craft Ideas

If you have seen or made all the crafts on my previous blog entry and want to tone the Christmas craftness up a notch. You go visit Marthastewart.com for up to 49 kids-friendly crafts!

2011年12月4日 星期日

Christmas Craft Ideas!

Do you want to make Christmas craft with your students and children but don't know where to start?
You can go to http://www.enchantedlearning.com for more Christmas crafty ideas!

2011年11月28日 星期一

Christmas Vocabulary Lesson Plan

Let the holiday spirits go to your students! Come download this Christmas Vocabulary Lesson Plan which includes the following vocabulary:

Christmas  聖誕節
Christmas carol  聖誕歌曲
Jesus Christ   耶穌基督
wreath   花環
decoration  裝飾
tinsel 金屬絲
Santa Claus  聖誕老人
chimney 煙囪
reindeer  馴鹿
mistletoe 檞寄生

Christmas Vocabulary Lesson Plan

Individual or group?

I often found myself battling in class about whether I should group my students and have them learn together or ask them learn individually. There are pros and cons for both approaches. As teachers, we need to fully understand the possible scenarios before we make out minds.

Pros on groupwork:
1. It increase the numbers of talking opportunities for individual students.
2. With more ideas and opinions, it would create a more complete learning experience.
3. It encourages boarder skills of cooperation and negotiation , and more private than work in front of the whole class. (See Lynne Flowerdew for more information)
4.It promotes students' self confidence and encourage them to develop their own rules.

Cons on groupwork:
1. It is likely to be noisy and possibly lost control.
2.Not all students enjoy it since some might prefer or require more attention from the teacher.
3. There are some students in the group would assume the dominate roles and cause others to lose their voice.
4.Groups requires longer time to set up in the beginning and wrap up in the end especially if all the students have to move around in the classroom.

2011年11月22日 星期二

How to choose the right materials for your students?

Hi, everyone! Sorry for the delay. I am currently in America spending some quality time with friends and family. I will try to put in more entry but you know how it is.....it's so hard to stay inside and work when visiting a new city!


Ever since I start teaching, I often discuss with my school manager about what kind of materials I like or how do the students react to the materials, is it too hard or too easy. Then almost with no exceptions, I always ended up choose the materials for the entire school.

Here are few pointers I look for when choosing the materials:
1. Difficulty:
Usually I would choose the books that the difficulty level suits the whole class. So even the under-performance students could excel if they try hard. However, by doing so, the students who learn faster might get board easily. Therefore, if you decide to choose relatively easier materials, you should always have extra materials at hand for the more advance students to tackle on!

2. Illustration:
Illustration is important especially for beginners who have limited vocabulary. There are many vocabularies that are hard to explain by using language and it is simply if you simply have a picture of it.

3. Practice
I like the textbook, materials that have many exercises and questions to practice with. In my opinion,the only way to mater a  language is through drilling and practices. The advantages of having many practice questions or exercise is that teacher can choose freely whether they want to use it or not. Or even assigned it as homework.

2011年11月12日 星期六

Free Worksheets Website

During my teaching years, I often ran into problems of not having enough materials or the materials which the school provided is simply not good/interesting enough for the kids. When I have these kind of problems, I always try to look up online to find more resources and help. Soon, http://www.learningpage.com/ comes to my attention.
Learningpage is a free website. It is absolutely FREE to sign up for membership in this site. Once you have membership, you get to download a lot of great sample lesson plans, worksheets, and fun stuff. 

There is one time, my school gave me a very small book on space (18 pages) and asked me to teach my first graders about space in 4 months. If i only used that book, my students will eat me alive and be bored to death. So I have to do something. Luckily, they do have lots extra materials in learningpage.com. I use it with my students and they LOVE it. We learn so much more and had a lot of fun with it! They also have topics on ocean animals, zoo animals, dinosaurs, amphibian, spiders, calendar, money, senses,time, and measure. They also has a great variety of alphabet writing and cursive practice sheets.

Other than that, every month they will launch out new worksheets and lesson plans accordingly. Additionally, they provide their member FREE access to their achieve. Long story short, they've got lots of well made stuff and it's worthy to check it out!

2011年11月8日 星期二

Teaching adults or children?

Many teachers often ask me "Which one suits me better? Teach adults or children?"
If you have the some doubt and can't seem to wrap your head around it.  Here are four differences between teaching adults and children for you to ponder on:

1.      Adults are able to use their native language to understand English while children might need further explanations. For example, teaching adult about vocabulary most of the time once the teacher provides them with the corresponded meaning (in student’s native language,) they understand the vocabulary. However, when teaching children, it requires more than corresponded meanings, sometimes teacher has to go further into the details explaining and making examples.
2.      Adult students often ask to be included into materials, teaching style selection process.
3.      “Pride might often interference with learning,” according to my TESOL Tutoring Specialization Manu. Therefore it’s very important to constantly offer encouragement especially to your adult students. Otherwise, adult might easily feel demeaning and lack of confidence.
4.      Children often require more motivation for classes since they might be asked to be in the class. On the other hand, adults are usually more motivate since they usually initiate the class.

2011年11月2日 星期三

2011年10月31日 星期一

Good Phonics Material


Good Phonics materials are hard to find. Most of the books out there are inconclusive and sometimes lack of explanations.Then I stumbled  upon "Phonics Pathway"
Phonics Pathways is one of the books that actually have many examples and practices for both  teachers and students. Phonics Pathways not only has the sample sounding/spelling words, also puts them into sentences or poem.

As you can see, the format of the book starts with the phonetic sound. Then move onto how to form the sounds together. Last, practice vocabularies and sentences.

I have two classes of students who are the same age and they use the same materials. However, I am only given the freedom to use supplementary materials to one class.
The class which uses Phonics Pathway somehow reads better!
If I have to be really picky about the book, I'd say the book seems to designed more for the teachers than to students. The book is pretty heavy for kids to carry around and it needs to have some written exercises in it.

Teaching or Tutoring?


Many people have asked me which one is better? Teaching or Tutoring?
It's only a matter of which setting you are more comfortable in.

From my Global TESOL Tutoring English Specialization Course Menu, I learned that the difference between teaching and tutoring is the individualized attention given to the students during tutorials.Therefore “tutoring” means the students will have teacher’s undivided, completed attention during the class whereas during normal classroom setting the students will share teachers’ attention altogether. 

From student's perspective, tutoring lessons are personalized and can concentrated on fulfilling student's needs. However, the cost of private tutoring sometimes might be too steep.

From teacher's perspective, tutoring sometimes means more preparations and works. On the other hand, the financial reward is often higher than teaching. Generally speaking, the English private tutoring rate in Taiwan starts at 800nt/hr (USD 26)and up to 2000nt/hr (USD60)

2011年10月24日 星期一

Website for puzzles and mazes

In my many years of teaching, I often want to help students who seem to struggle a lot but can't just leave the whole class gone wild. It's a classic one lost lamb and rest of herd dilemma.

Later, I learned that for those students who already comprehend the given materials, they just need some activities to do, to keep them occupy.

So I found this website where it is filled with puzzles, mazes. krazydad.com
This website has unbelievable amount of mazes and puzzles and the coolest part is that it had a great range of difficulties. So almost everyone could enjoy them. 

Teaching Resource

While I was surfing through the web, I stumbled on this site educationworld.com

Educationworld.com has many useful tools for teachers, such as assessment sheets, award sheets. It also has a great variety of lesson plans and worksheets in many different subjects. Most importantly, it's free. There are many teaching related websites out there but most of them require membership.

Stop scratching your head to find suitable materials for your classroom, visit the site for more ideas.

Halloween Lesson Plan : Reading

If you enjoy my Halloween lesson on vocabulary, then you can't miss out this week's reading lesson plan!

Halloween Lesson Plan: Reading

2011年10月15日 星期六

Word Search Generater


Have you ever troubled to find a suitable word search for your students to enjoy.....and it is just not there. Either the vocabulary is too hard or easy. Finding the right word search sheet could be challenging from time to time. Why spend time looking for one when you can just make one yourself ?

Come check out this website where it assists you to make your own word search sheet!

The good thing about this website is that it keeps all the worksheets ever made through it for up to 2 months. So you can tap into its database and see what others had made!

Halloween Lesson Plan :Vocabulary

Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year. I get to do many crazy and fun stuff with the students.
Why not pass the fun to your lovely students.
Come check out this week's Halloween Vocabulary Lesson Plan which includes the following words:
快來下載這個禮拜萬聖節的單字教學計劃吧 =)
本教學計劃包括以下單字 :

Halloween 萬聖節
saint  聖人
evil 邪惡
spirit 靈魂
ghost 鬼魂
ancient 古老
lantern 燈籠
pumpkin 南瓜
costume 戲服
witch 女巫
goblin 地精

2011年10月12日 星期三

Four important tips for teaching grammar.

Last weekend I went to Global TESOL college Taipei for Grammar Specialization Course. It was an extremely rewarding experience. I have picked up a few tricks and tips teaching grammar. Teaching grammar is very different than teaching conversations. It is generally paper based and relies heavily on more reading and writing skills. However, there are few other teaching/practice way that would depend on speaking and listening skills. It is all came down to how to satisfy your student's need.
 In Taiwan, most of the grammar classes are paper based. As a teacher, I found it easier to teach and receive better results if I adopt my methods. Instead of repeating the same process of reading-writing-memorizing, why not spice it up with games and other fun activities?

According to the Grammar Specialization Workbook, there are four things one should consider when teaching Explicit Grammar:

1.      Moving knowledge from mechanically learned grammar lessons to everyday speech is an almost impossible task for language learners.
2.      Students learn syntax at their own pace and it differs from one to one.
3.      Teaching grammar through communicative approaches is by far the most effective way of learning a language.
4.      Each student learns differently.

Do you have any insights on how to teach grammar effectively? Please share with me!



Do you know what is ESL and what is EFL? Do you know what the differences are?

ESL   English as a Second Language
EFL   English as a Foreign Language

Many people often confused between the above two----even include me. The differences is that ESL is taught in English speaking countries---such as U.S, Canada etc. and the materials often will focus and related to English/American culture. EFL is taught in non-English speaking countries---such as Taiwan, Japan etc. and the materials might focus more in the local culture.

From learning perspective, EFL centers on the language itself where ESL centers on both language and culture. Take Taiwan for example, EFL materials will be about Taiwanese culture in English. Student will already understand the “culture” part and they only need to focus on the “language” part which is how to express it in English. ESL materials on the other hand will be about American/English culture---for example, Christmas. Students will have to learn both “language”---how to express it in English and “culture”----the origin and culture significance.

Both materials and teaching approaches are great. The only concern one should hold is how to make the materials more suitable to your students needs!

2011年10月9日 星期日

Where to get English teaching materials


As an English teacher in Taiwan, finding the text book or materials you need might be difficult sometimes. There are few bookstores you can go in Taipei to find great resources.

1. Cave Books 敦煌書店
Cave Books is one of the first book stores that specialize in English textbooks and materials. You can find everything you need for teaching English includes flashcards and posters.
2. Costco 好事多
There are more than just groceries at Costco. Costco has a great variety of supply English materials for grade schools. I have found many textbooks, games and flashcards and reading materials there for my students.
3. Eslite Bookstore 誠品書店
Eslite Bookstore does not have many textbooks but it does have a great variety of reading materials. They have a wide range of English selection; it would make not only your students but also yourself very happy!

You can also find materials at Betterworldbooks.com where international shipping is free!

2011年10月5日 星期三

Double Tenth Day Art Project

Why not celebrate Taiwan's National Day with some home made craft with your students!

A blank Taiwanese flag  download here
Red and Blue color paper, glue.

Tear color paper into little pieces and do a collage onto the paper.
and it will look like this!

2011年10月4日 星期二

Double Tenth Day Lesson Plan.

Double Tenth Day is just around the corner. Come download his lesson plan and enjoy it with your students!

Double Tenth Day Lesson Plan

2011年9月12日 星期一

2011年9月6日 星期二

Classroom Games 課堂小遊戲

Image copyright: Nick Benjaminsz,stock.xchng

Taiwanese English cream schools often require their teachers to be more entertaining for their students. The teachers often makes the classes more entertaining by playing games. Little by little, nowadays students are used to playing games during English classes. Students will even complain if there is no games. As a result, many cram schools even have workshops devoted to games.


Playing games is not enough, students also complain about playing the same games. Therefore as an English teacher, I spend a lot of time searching for new games.


Here are some websites that I turn to for game ideas:

ESL kid stuff

Games for ESL

Do you have any good ideas for game? Please share with me!
你有什麼好的遊戲嗎? 請與我分享!

2011年9月5日 星期一

Project Day 勞作日

Credit to Parkway CC Org.

In the school that I taught, every Wednesday is "PROJECT DAY." Although the school provides lesson plan, my school manager often forgets to prepare the materials. As a result, I have to improvise a lot. If your school is like this, then you must wish to have millions of  tricks up in your sleeve to handle the situation.

My advice for this kind of craft related project was to keep it simple. Most of the time,your students will need you assistance. If you have a big sized class, you might not have the time to help/attend/finish every students. So if you keep it easy, students can execute it themselves and you don't have to intervene too much.

AEP's  The Complete Book of Arts and Crafts  is a great book with easy art to do. However, some of the material might be more difficult to obtain.

Amazing Mom has some easy-to-do, clean and great result project to do with kids!

Kaboose  is a great site to search for ideas. All the craft are themed related. Good for holiday or seasonal work. It also has "cooking" that you might try with your kids.

DLTK This is one of my favorite sites, it is filled with tons of craft ideas. Although some parts of it required membership in order to print or download, it still inspires me with lots of great ideas.

How do you find your craft source? Let me know!

2011年9月4日 星期日

Ghost Month Lesson Plan: Writing

Credit to tooxclusive.com

It's time to wrap Ghost Month up with writing.
Download this lesson plan and have fun with your students!

Ghost Month Lesson Plan: Writing

2011年9月1日 星期四

Positive Reinforcement 正向鼓勵

Credit to Razzy's Corner.

With the recent trend of low fertility rate, almost every single Taiwanese child was pampered by their parents and grand parents.I have few students who still can't wipe their bonbon after they finish at the age of 6.As a result, Taiwanese children nowadays are not used to negative comments and react differently. Instead of being motivated by it, they would reject and be offended. Therefore it is important for us teachers to communicate more subtlety and adopt the positive reinforcement method.

When I first started teaching, my supervisor taught me how to convey message. For example, instead of telling student that his/her performance is bad, tell student that he/she is doing really well AND if he/she tries harder, he/she will be top of the class. 

Credit to Harrison Company.

In my personal experience, instead of pointing out where they did wrong. It would be more effective to focus on what they did right and then move on to the wrong doing. For example, I have a student who constantly disturbs the class and cannot focus much. In the beginning, I asked him to be quiet and threaten him with more homework. It didn’t work. Later, instead of focusing on his disturbance, I verbally awarded him when ever he did something right such as raise his hand before talking. After a week, his behavior improved a lot and even his mother noticed the difference.

What’s your trick of dealing with students? Please share with me! 

2011年8月26日 星期五

Lesson Plan: Ghost month conversation

credit : www.hunter.tafensw.edu.au

Wanna learn more about ghost month?
Come check this out! It includes practice worksheet which your students will love it!

Ghost month lesson plan: conversation

2011年8月25日 星期四

Lesson Plan: Ghost month vocabulary

Credit to Microsoft

Having trouble on teaching your students about ghost months? 
Here is a ready-to-teach lesson plan on ghost month vocabulary such as:
快來看看這個禮拜鬼月單字lesson plan吧! 包含以下單字:

solar calendar陽曆
lunar calendar陰曆
Ghost Month鬼月
Ghost Festival中元節

Hurry up download it and have fun with your students.

Ghost Month Lesson Plan: Vocabulary

2011年8月23日 星期二

Commonly Used Classroom Vocabulary

Credit to Yoyo Liang

One of the frequently asked questions from the parents of my students or the bushiban (Chinese for cram school) that I worked for is how to create an English environment for students. There are many ways of doing it but I always suggest them to start with using English vocabulary everywhere around the classroom.

The following are some commonly used vocabulary, check yourself, your students, kids and see how much do they know! You can even print it out and paste it around the classroom.
  table  桌子
  desk  書桌
  chair  椅子
  bookcase  書櫃
  bookshelf  書架
  cabinet  櫃子
  Air Conditioner or A.C*  冷氣
  fans*  電扇
  whiteboard  白板
  markers  白板筆 彩色筆
  eraser  板擦 橡皮擦
  trash can/ bin  垃圾桶
  recycle can/bin  回收桶
  school bag  書包
  pencil/ automatic pencil  鉛筆/自動筆
  pencil case/bag  鉛筆盒/
  pencil sharpener  削鉛筆機
  color pencils 彩色鉛筆
  crayon 蠟筆
  high lighter  螢光筆
  whit-out/ whit-out tape  修正液/修正帶
  scissors  剪刀
  glue/ white glue/glue stick  膠水/白膠/口紅膠
  water bottle  水壺
  water fountain/ machine  飲水機
* These are the words that most students often mis-use open/close instead of turn on/off.

2011年8月22日 星期一

Positive Communication Book or Report Card Comments

Credit to Alexandre from Planbox.com
As a teacher, one of my troublesome times was to write the communication book due the sheer numbers of them. Thanks for the improvement of technology; I don’t have to hand-write everything now. However, I still have to write the comments every week and it might be challenging from time to time. I will explain more later.

A good communication book should include two parts, one is lesson information and the other is assessment. The information part will vary depends on student’s age (For younger students, you can write it on the communication book or make copies; for older students, you can have them write it themselves.) but it should include the following:

1.      Progress on the all materials. (It could be pages or topic.) 上課進度 (可以是頁數或是主題單元)
2.      Homework (optional) 功課
3.      Review and Test (It could be pages or topic but I find pages easier for students to review.) 複習或考試範圍

Here is an example:
Ÿ Progress :
Grammar: 83-89
Phonics: 48-51
Reading: 39-45
Writing: 83-85
Ÿ Homework :
1. Grammar worksheet
2. Read Electricity P.39-45
3. Show&Tell worksheet
Ÿ Review and Test :
Phonics: 50-51
Grammar: 83-89
Reading: P.45
Spelling vocabulary: earrings, robot, necklace, postcards, radio, control, salesman, saleswoman, camera wrapping paper.

As for comments, there are many things that might require to be included such as: attendance, assignments (hand in or not), behavior, assessment on learning progress…and so on. It is important that teacher to loyally express the situation to the parents without offending them. Some parents might not react well or over react to the negative comments. I will go into more details in my next blog entry but now let’s look at few examples for positive remarks:

________ always attends class on time.
________ is never late for class.

________ completes homework on time and with care.
________ always completes his/her homework with care and diligence.
________ puts forth a consistent effort to complete homework.

________ participates class with great enthusiasm.
________ consistently takes responsibilities for his/her learning.
________ is a leader of the class who cooperates well with his/her peers.
________ is a highly motivated student with unlimited ideas and creativity. 
________ inspires others to perform better.
________ is self-driven and keen in success.
________ works well independently and with others.
________ enjoys sharing his/her ideas, toys, etc. with others.

Assessment in learning:
________ is a fast learner who grasps all the materials effectively.
________ has great pronunciation and is able to express himself/ herself freely.
________ can sound/read out the materials and comprehend it without further help.
________ has impressive penmanship.
________ has excellent sentence structures.
________ has superb choices/ selections of words. 


If you are teaching young children and could not find good phonics/ reading materials. 
Check out the following site.
 It has great materials, worksheets, little books, the whole nine yard!

2011年8月16日 星期二

What is lesson plan?

I helped a friend this week by subbing her class. When she asked me to do so, she promised me that all the lesson plans are made and all I have to do is to follow it. After I read the so called “lesson plan,” I was shocked. It was only a list of all the activities that need to be done. No instructions, no materials, no time, no objective….. I can’t help myself wondering what is a lesson plan, what are the essential elements?

From my TESOL training, I have learned a few different style of lesson plan. The style serves for different purposes--- readerships, content, teaching styles.
  Although it might be different in details, here are some of the must-have parts:

        Topic: An easy way to inform others/or you the focus for the class.
        Level: Indicate the level of the students.
        Objective: Objective keeps people who made the lesson plan (you) and execute them (you or others) on track with the goal of the lesson. 
        Time: List out the time of the whole class or each task. It served the purpose to manage time more efficiently.
        Materials: Listed out materials helps you visualize the lesson and make it easy to execute. (No need to be hectic about not having it.)
        Introduction:  brief or elaborated---up to you introduction to your students the purpose and the studying focus of the day.
        Teaching: This is the main body of the lesson plan. You can list out all the vocabulary, sentence pattern, and grammar rule, anything that will be covered in the lesson. You can even put in detailed instructions for teaching styles and techniques. You can also include worksheet if you have one.
        Activity: It could be game, show-and-tell, presentation, group discussion or anything. Just keeps it relevant to the lesson.
        Review: Wrap up the class and make an ending.
        After class evaluation: No matter you are designing your lesson for others or just yourself, it is very helpful to learn how much do the students understand and their feedbacks.

Lesson planning will help you along the way, especially for inexperience teachers. It helps you foresee the lesson and be more comfortable and confident in your teaching. For more experienced teacher, it will be a great way to accumulate teaching resources and build up your own lesson plan database.