2011年10月12日 星期三



Do you know what is ESL and what is EFL? Do you know what the differences are?

ESL   English as a Second Language
EFL   English as a Foreign Language

Many people often confused between the above two----even include me. The differences is that ESL is taught in English speaking countries---such as U.S, Canada etc. and the materials often will focus and related to English/American culture. EFL is taught in non-English speaking countries---such as Taiwan, Japan etc. and the materials might focus more in the local culture.

From learning perspective, EFL centers on the language itself where ESL centers on both language and culture. Take Taiwan for example, EFL materials will be about Taiwanese culture in English. Student will already understand the “culture” part and they only need to focus on the “language” part which is how to express it in English. ESL materials on the other hand will be about American/English culture---for example, Christmas. Students will have to learn both “language”---how to express it in English and “culture”----the origin and culture significance.

Both materials and teaching approaches are great. The only concern one should hold is how to make the materials more suitable to your students needs!

