Learningpage is a free website. It is absolutely FREE to sign up for membership in this site. Once you have membership, you get to download a lot of great sample lesson plans, worksheets, and fun stuff.
There is one time, my school gave me a very small book on space (18 pages) and asked me to teach my first graders about space in 4 months. If i only used that book, my students will eat me alive and be bored to death. So I have to do something. Luckily, they do have lots extra materials in learningpage.com. I use it with my students and they LOVE it. We learn so much more and had a lot of fun with it! They also have topics on ocean animals, zoo animals, dinosaurs, amphibian, spiders, calendar, money, senses,time, and measure. They also has a great variety of alphabet writing and cursive practice sheets.