2011年10月31日 星期一

Good Phonics Material


Good Phonics materials are hard to find. Most of the books out there are inconclusive and sometimes lack of explanations.Then I stumbled  upon "Phonics Pathway"
Phonics Pathways is one of the books that actually have many examples and practices for both  teachers and students. Phonics Pathways not only has the sample sounding/spelling words, also puts them into sentences or poem.

As you can see, the format of the book starts with the phonetic sound. Then move onto how to form the sounds together. Last, practice vocabularies and sentences.

I have two classes of students who are the same age and they use the same materials. However, I am only given the freedom to use supplementary materials to one class.
The class which uses Phonics Pathway somehow reads better!
If I have to be really picky about the book, I'd say the book seems to designed more for the teachers than to students. The book is pretty heavy for kids to carry around and it needs to have some written exercises in it.

