2011年8月23日 星期二

Commonly Used Classroom Vocabulary

Credit to Yoyo Liang

One of the frequently asked questions from the parents of my students or the bushiban (Chinese for cram school) that I worked for is how to create an English environment for students. There are many ways of doing it but I always suggest them to start with using English vocabulary everywhere around the classroom.

The following are some commonly used vocabulary, check yourself, your students, kids and see how much do they know! You can even print it out and paste it around the classroom.
  table  桌子
  desk  書桌
  chair  椅子
  bookcase  書櫃
  bookshelf  書架
  cabinet  櫃子
  Air Conditioner or A.C*  冷氣
  fans*  電扇
  whiteboard  白板
  markers  白板筆 彩色筆
  eraser  板擦 橡皮擦
  trash can/ bin  垃圾桶
  recycle can/bin  回收桶
  school bag  書包
  pencil/ automatic pencil  鉛筆/自動筆
  pencil case/bag  鉛筆盒/
  pencil sharpener  削鉛筆機
  color pencils 彩色鉛筆
  crayon 蠟筆
  high lighter  螢光筆
  whit-out/ whit-out tape  修正液/修正帶
  scissors  剪刀
  glue/ white glue/glue stick  膠水/白膠/口紅膠
  water bottle  水壺
  water fountain/ machine  飲水機
* These are the words that most students often mis-use open/close instead of turn on/off.

