2011年8月16日 星期二

How to praise your students ?

ESL students need a lot of encouragement and positive feedback, so that they just open their mouths and start talking! It is very crucial for teacher to create a healthy and positive learning environment. So here is something you can say other than “Good work”
除了 "Good Work” 以外,還有別的方式來稱讚學生嗎?請看以下之範例:

  • Great job!
  • Excellent!
  •  Bravo!
  • Awesome!
  • Super/ Superb!
  • Fabulous!
  • Wonderful!
  • Well done!
  • Brilliant!
  • Way to go!
  • You are right on point!
  • You are so smart!

Another great advantage of using different praises is to increase your students’ vocabulary and listening ability. When they expose to the praise, it would automatically create a positive mental image. Even if they do not know what the word means, the positive mental image will still stay. Such image will help them feel more confident about their English and understand the word in the future.


