2012年2月7日 星期二

More on American Football

If you enjoy my last blog post or want to teach your students more on the topic of American football.
Here are two useful website that I came across with:
This website has great flashcards that explain all different parts of the game really well. They also have four different types of worksheet for exercises. Great for game time!

This one has a fantastic grammar lesson plan using NFL reference. The lesson plan might be a bit old (2002)but the general concept of the lesson plan is still solid!

2012年2月6日 星期一

American Football Lesson Plan: Vocabulary

Super Bowl just ended, did your favorite team win?
Super Bowl is one of the most important sports events in America and has became the culture icon for American pop-culture.
Why not teach your students something about American football ?

This lesson plan includes the following vocabulary:

stadium 體育場
---a large building with seats for sports fans and a field for players.
 “The largest stadium in the America is the Michigan Stadium.
goalpost 門柱
---one of a pair of posts (usually joined by a crossbar) that are set up as a goal at each end of a playing field.
“In order to win the game, each team tries to kick the ball into the goalpost.”
referee 裁判
--- someone whose job is to make sure that players in a game obey the rules.
“My father will be the referee for tomorrow’s basketball game.”
quarterback 四分衛
---an important player in the sport of football who gives instructions to other players.
“I am the quarterback of my team.”
offense 進攻
--- the part of a game such as football that involves trying to score points.
“They’re a team that has always been stronger on offense.”
---the players in a team game who try to prevent the other team from scoring points.
“Our defense team is not as strong as our offense team.”
touchdown 底線得分
--- An act of carrying, receiving, or gaining possession of the ball across the opponent's goal line for a score of six points.
“The football fans screamed out in joy after they saw their favorite team scored a touchdown.”
end zone 得分區
--- the area at the end of a football field where you have to take the ball in order to score points.
“After he received the ball, he ran as fast as he could to the end zone.”
fumble 漏接
---to try to hold, move, or find something using your hands in a way that is not skillful or graceful. In football, it means dropping the ball.
“He fumbled at the goal line.”
Super Bowl 超級盃
--- The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL).
“Super Bowl is one of the biggest sports  in America.”

2012年2月1日 星期三

Teaching Grammar

I used to teach all the subjects in my English school. The subjects ranged from reading, writing, listening, grammar, phonics, to science, math , and project. Among all these subjects, grammar is the least favorite subject from my students.
Instead of drilling them with lots of paper-based exercises, I noticed that if I spent less time explaining the rules and more activities-based drills. It created a more joyful learning atmosphere and my students seemed to learn faster and actually remembered it better. However, this method is a two-blades swords, by decreasing the paper-based exercises, it also decreases students's familiarity to the test/evaluation formats. Different teachers, students, classroom settings will all effect on the results.

So how do you manage your class when teaching grammar? Please share with us!