2011年9月12日 星期一

2011年9月6日 星期二

Classroom Games 課堂小遊戲

Image copyright: Nick Benjaminsz,stock.xchng

Taiwanese English cream schools often require their teachers to be more entertaining for their students. The teachers often makes the classes more entertaining by playing games. Little by little, nowadays students are used to playing games during English classes. Students will even complain if there is no games. As a result, many cram schools even have workshops devoted to games.


Playing games is not enough, students also complain about playing the same games. Therefore as an English teacher, I spend a lot of time searching for new games.


Here are some websites that I turn to for game ideas:

ESL kid stuff

Games for ESL

Do you have any good ideas for game? Please share with me!
你有什麼好的遊戲嗎? 請與我分享!

2011年9月5日 星期一

Project Day 勞作日

Credit to Parkway CC Org.

In the school that I taught, every Wednesday is "PROJECT DAY." Although the school provides lesson plan, my school manager often forgets to prepare the materials. As a result, I have to improvise a lot. If your school is like this, then you must wish to have millions of  tricks up in your sleeve to handle the situation.

My advice for this kind of craft related project was to keep it simple. Most of the time,your students will need you assistance. If you have a big sized class, you might not have the time to help/attend/finish every students. So if you keep it easy, students can execute it themselves and you don't have to intervene too much.

AEP's  The Complete Book of Arts and Crafts  is a great book with easy art to do. However, some of the material might be more difficult to obtain.

Amazing Mom has some easy-to-do, clean and great result project to do with kids!

Kaboose  is a great site to search for ideas. All the craft are themed related. Good for holiday or seasonal work. It also has "cooking" that you might try with your kids.

DLTK This is one of my favorite sites, it is filled with tons of craft ideas. Although some parts of it required membership in order to print or download, it still inspires me with lots of great ideas.

How do you find your craft source? Let me know!

2011年9月4日 星期日

Ghost Month Lesson Plan: Writing

Credit to tooxclusive.com

It's time to wrap Ghost Month up with writing.
Download this lesson plan and have fun with your students!

Ghost Month Lesson Plan: Writing

2011年9月1日 星期四

Positive Reinforcement 正向鼓勵

Credit to Razzy's Corner.

With the recent trend of low fertility rate, almost every single Taiwanese child was pampered by their parents and grand parents.I have few students who still can't wipe their bonbon after they finish at the age of 6.As a result, Taiwanese children nowadays are not used to negative comments and react differently. Instead of being motivated by it, they would reject and be offended. Therefore it is important for us teachers to communicate more subtlety and adopt the positive reinforcement method.

When I first started teaching, my supervisor taught me how to convey message. For example, instead of telling student that his/her performance is bad, tell student that he/she is doing really well AND if he/she tries harder, he/she will be top of the class. 

Credit to Harrison Company.

In my personal experience, instead of pointing out where they did wrong. It would be more effective to focus on what they did right and then move on to the wrong doing. For example, I have a student who constantly disturbs the class and cannot focus much. In the beginning, I asked him to be quiet and threaten him with more homework. It didn’t work. Later, instead of focusing on his disturbance, I verbally awarded him when ever he did something right such as raise his hand before talking. After a week, his behavior improved a lot and even his mother noticed the difference.

What’s your trick of dealing with students? Please share with me!